Presenting your research
Presentation format and event-day setup
Participation requirements
At minimum, one author of your abstract must participate in the poster session for one hour. You may choose the time period during the 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. event.
Presentation format
If you are making a poster specifically for this event, limit the size to 48” x 48”.
If you already have a poster that was displayed at professional meetings during the past calendar year, you may use the same poster regardless of its size.
Please indicate poster size on the submission form so the committee can allow adequate space.
Design and printing
When developing your poster, utilize the following resources:
On campus you can get your poster printed inexpensively at Design and Printing Services: 509-335-3518.
Plan to have your poster ready by Tuesday, March 26. You will need it to set up for the event the following day.
Other presentation formats
Music and theater
Musical and/or theatrical presentations will be accepted in either CD or DVD format. Please provide headphones to help viewers hear the presentation. Visuals from theatrical presentations may include drawings, costumes, programs, etc.
Non-poster formats
Space will be available for tabletop displays or presentation formats other than a display board. Please indicate your needs on the submission form and provide detailed information in the comment field.
Event-day setup
Setup times
You must set up your exhibit between 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Wed., March 27, unless you have made previous special arrangements.
If you work outside of the Pullman area and plan to arrive in Pullman on the day of the event, please call 509-335-6774 or email to arrange for an alternative setup time.
Exhibit hours
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Academic Showcase: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
GPSA Research Exposition: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Beasley Coliseum, Upper Concourse
Exhibits are open to the public.
Pre-assigned exhibit space
Display space is pre-assigned for all exhibitors.
Posters are to be mounted on display boards provided at the event. Heavy-duty tacks are supplied. It is your responsibility as a presenter to provide any other mounting supplies that you may need.
Alternative formats
If your work lends itself to a display format other than a poster, the Academic Showcase committee encourages you to use an alternative presentation format.
On the submission form, indicate special space and/or supplies that you may need (electricity, tables, easels, etc.). The Academic Showcase Committee cannot provide equipment for your presentation (e.g., computers, projectors, CD players, DVD players, screens, etc.).
If your presentation uses a DVD or CD, please provide headphones so that attendees may easily hear the presentation.
On-campus parking is available near the event location.
Exhibit removal
Exhibits must remain up until noon on event day.
You are responsible for removing all of your presentation and mounting materials between noon and 1:00 p.m. on Thur., March 28. Event organizers are not responsible for any materials left after that time.