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Weeklong celebration of academic excellence

Showcase honors the scholarly achievements of faculty, staff, and students. It packs 5 days with poster sessions, competitions, and speeches, capped off by an elegant banquet and awards ceremony.

Please join us in honoring the outstanding work of WSU’s academic community.

Faculty and students present their discoveries and creative work at a previous Academic Showcase session, held in the Compton Union Building ballroom.

State of the University Address

President Schulz highlights the past year’s accomplishments and discusses the future evolution of the WSU system

Tues, March 26, 2024
3:10 – 4:10 PM

Watch live here


Three-Minute Thesis

Research communication competition for doctoral students

Wed., March 27
1:00 PM
WSU Pullman Veterinary and Biomedical Research Building (VBRB), Room 305 

Map to location 

Watch live here

Distinguished Faculty Address

Recognizing a faculty member’s exemplary achievement

Wed., March 27
3:00 PM
Spokane Health Education & Research Building, Room 432
Watch live here 

Academic Showcase

Poster session displaying research, scholarship, and creative work from the WSU community

Thur., March 28
9 AM – Noon
Compton Union Building | Senior Ballroom

View 2024 Abstracts here


GPSA Research Exposition

Poster session to recognize graduate and professional students’ research success

Thur., March 28
9 AM – Noon
Compton Union Building | Senior Ballroom


Celebrating Excellence Banquet

Recognizing the dedication and achievements of faculty and staff

Fri., March 29
5 PM
Compton Union Building | Senior Ballroom


Tribute to 2024 Faculty and Staff Awardees

See highlights of their remarkable achievements.